In the world of podcasting, voices often rise and fall, but few have the power to resonate with their listeners so deeply that they leave a lasting impact on their lives. 

Leith McKay, founder and host of FindingME, is one such storyteller who has found her calling in the art of conversation. She's not just a podcaster; she's an explorer of the human experience.

“There is such value in stories,” said Leith. “So many of my interviewees have told me how much they enjoy the reflection in the conversation, how it helps them realize how far they’ve come and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.”

The same could be said for Leith and the journey that got her here. 

With three kids and a husband, Leith’s life is bustling with activity. Born and raised in Toronto, she has always had strong ties to Collingwood thanks to her father. However, before starting a family, her and her husband moved to the UK, where they lived for four years and welcomed two kids. Leith accepted a job in advertising because it was what she knew, but not necessarily what she loved. 

“I kept getting the advice ‘find your passion’ but I had absolutely no idea how to go about that,” said Leith. “I felt passionless, frustrated, depleted.”

A job opportunity for her husband brought their growing family to California, however Leith was not authorized to work in the US.

“That was when I gave up my career, so to speak,” she said. “Which I was not unhappy about.” 

While living in California, Leith attended a women in tech conference that really inspired her. Listening to the stories of women sharing their journeys and struggles, she thought, "Why don't we hear these stories more? They are so relatable."

That realization led her to start a blog, where she interviewed women about their career journeys. She had never been a writer, but she realized pretty quickly that she enjoyed storytelling more than she thought. However, after the birth of her third child, she sought a more time-efficient way to share these stories and decided to venture into podcasting.

In 2018, FindingME was born, broadening its focus to encompass the stories of not just career women, but from various walks of life who had overcome challenges to lead more fulfilling lives. 

“I focus on everyday women, I don’t seek out experts,” she said. “That’s important to me.”

She found her calling in these conversations and hasn't looked back, recently launching her fifth season. Somewhere in the midst of it, Leith and her husband decided to return to Canada and landed briefly in Toronto. However, the timing was less than ideal, as the pandemic continued to wreak havoc on the city. 

They were unhappy and found themselves spending more and more time in Collingwood. 

"Eventually," Leith said, "we thought, why don't we just move here? 

The decision to move north was significant for Leith. She grew up with the belief that it was impossible to make a living in a small town. But after they made the move in the spring of 2021, she never looked back.

Leith found the lifestyle she craved, enrolling her children in a forest school and discovering the vibrant community at the Foundry. Here, she realized that people were trying to build their work around their lives, not the other way around, and that sense of alignment resonated with her.

“It’s crazy how quickly we felt this comfortability here,” she said. 

What sets FindingME apart is Leith's dedication to showcasing everyday women. She firmly believes that we should all be experts on ourselves and that our journeys are filled with valuable insights, whether in our careers, relationships, or health. Her guests share their stories of crisis points and the steps they took to overcome them, highlighting the internal journey each person embarks upon.

“Everyone has a story, but some people are more ready to share than others,” she said.

Leith's interviews are not scripted; instead, she trusts herself to listen deeply and ask meaningful questions. She believes in the power of curiosity and aims to create a safe space for vulnerability and reflection. 

“When I get really curious, that’s when the best questions come,” she said. 

This approach allows her guests to share their wisdom, often to their surprise.

“I think we often forget how wise we really are. To see these women share their story and watch all this wisdom come bubbling up… I don’t think they give themselves enough credit for that,” she said. 

FindingME Podcast isn't a moneymaker for Leith — at least not yet — but it is a passion project that brings her joy and meaning. She doesn't conform to any rigid schedule, choosing to follow her own rules, taking summers and holidays off as she pleases. She has even let go of the expectation to monetize the podcast, trusting that it will take her wherever it needs to as long as she keeps showing up.

And even through multiple moves and the challenges of the pandemic, Leith has continued to show up, embodying the message she shares with her listeners. 

“I’ve come to really believe in it,” she said. “I like to think it will ultimately take me somewhere else, but I don’t know where that is just yet. And that’s OK.”

For Leith, it's all about the conversations, the opportunity to dive deeper into the emotional journeys that have shaped these remarkable women. She believes that women have a wealth of stories to tell and that their voices deserve to be heard.